Web Development Trends to Scale Your Application in 2022
Web development should not be about using technology X or Y, but about building a product that users love.
The demand for full-stack web developers is at its peak in the industry. But how do top web development companies make the most of it? They select one of these web development trends to give their applications a knack above the rest, excel in front end and back end development, practice high and low-level system design, data structures and algorithms, learn to build a server, master MVC Web Architecture, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node.js, Backend Architecture, MongoDB and React/Redux. Once they upskill, end-to-end, they become unstoppable.
Building a class Web Development Technology Stack in 2022
- Backend Languages — Python, PHP, Java, Ruby, Golang, C#
- Backend Frameworks — Django, Flask, Pyramid, Express, Ruby on Rails, Laravel, CodeIgniter, Symfony, Spring, Struts, Grails, Sinatra, Grape, Beego, Echo, Revel, .NET,
- Frontend Languages — HyperText Markup Language (HTML), Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), JavaScript
- Frontend Frameworks — Django, React.JS, Angular.JS, Vue.JS, Backbone.js, jQuery, Ember.js, Swift, Bootstrap, Bulma, Tailwind CSS
- Databases — MySQL, SQLite, Postgres, MongoDB, Cassandra, Apache Storm, Sphinx, VoltDB and MemSQL
- Version Control — GitHub (popular), GitLab, Apache Subversion
2021 Made Us Decipher Following Trends in Web Development
- JavaScript Frameworks like React, Angular, or Vue
- Microservices
- Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
- Progressive Web Apps and Cross-Platform Apps
- Website Performance and Optimization Techniques
- Serverless
- Testing
5 Web Development Trends to Learn in 2022
All these trends do not change every year. The trends we are discussing here are less about technology, instead are very general. You will be able to identify different trends along the way or might not agree with what we list here, still here it goes:
Focus on the user and don’t complicate things
- More businesses will move to the web (websites, web services, online shops)
- Businesses need to continue evolving
We have an increasing number of frameworks, libraries, approaches as users go to the web page that is fast to load and use, which has a good user interface and experience. And if that’s possible by using Vanilla JavaScript, Vanilla CSS, and Vanilla HTML, that’s all good. Users want your web model to appear in a logical, smooth, and understandable way.
If you focus on the things that your users really would like to see, with speedy performance, responsiveness, quick reloading of pages, and dynamic data do consider using technologies that offer such features with a dash of cost-effectiveness.
React as an Example
An example can be React (JS or Native). It focuses on new features that enhance user experiences like Current Node, Suspense, and Server Components. Additionally, its cost-effectiveness due to sharing of code across platforms from 90% to 99% and components, lower maintenance costs, ready-made solutions and libraries, and native UI elements for an exemplary user experience make it compatible for web app development.
To top up, these days everyone is looking for a customer-centric app with all-inclusive features. React Natives makes it possible with minimum efforts and costs by using third-party plugins such as React Native Router Flux, react-native ModalBox, or React Native Selectme.
We have similar developments in Angular with the ‘IVY’ rendering engine vs. ViewEngine (VE) and ‘AOT’ vs. JIT compiler-based projects. There is a slight shift towards making things easier, enhancing user experience, not complicate things, not moving everything to the client just for doing it, but thinking that should that code run on the server, should you render that page, should you use ten libraries or just use Vanilla JavaScript for a certain problem you’re trying to solve?
5 Web Development Trends to predict in 2022
Now we are going to share 5 things that are most likely to become online standards in web development in the following 5 years. And it is in our best interest to pick up on those trends and be prepared as soon as they become the norm to be worthy of the job market.
Web Assembly — The main selling points of web assembly are its speed and flexibility. If you write code in a language other than JavaScript, like in C or C++, you can heavily optimize your website and get a 20X gain in performance.
- Figma is built completely on Web Assembly, which reduces its graphical time by 3 times.
- eBay reframed their barcode scanner for browsers in Web Assembly. They experienced 50X improvements by increasing the FPS rate from 1 FPS to 50 FPS.
- Doom 3 game engine re-wrote their browser from pure JS to C++ on Web Assembly, they managed to boost their performance 3 times.
By all of this, Web Assembly marks the extinction of desktop-only apps. From VR games to photo and video editors, they can all be run on web browsers now. RUST, C, C++ are probably the best languages to brush up on if you intend to get into the Web Assembly.
Blockchain — Blockchain-based social networks and transactions will thrive in the coming years. Twitter, Google, Meta will gradually grow in this field. Brushing skills in Blockchain, learning Solidity (object-oriented programming language) for building Smart Contracts, and building Web Applications on top of them.
Automation — As GitHub co-pilot makes developer’s code obsolete, similarly Machine Learning models that power the GitHub co-pilot can automate Netflix Thumbnails based on users’ preferences. Their AI picks a certain thumbnail for you, based on a user’s preference. Text classification, object detection, the recommendation is done by deep learning. It won’t be difficult if you know JavaScript and Python already. Also, the popularity of Node.js, Next.js, Express.js, and Meteor.js has increased the usage of JavaScript for backend web development.
Minimalism — Google Search is a perfect example of less code is more code. The number of programming languages and frameworks we use might feel essential, but it is still possible to write an enterprise-level application without using any framework. The way we use databases also defines how we use caching and queues. Why would you cache all the data at the frontend from the service worker, for an ordinary website as long as it’s not a progressive web app, which would be loading offline, you don’t need to be loading your assets with the service worker.
- Do you type in TypeScript and compile it in JavaScript? Or you can get by without it? TypeScript will make your code less prone to bugs but in some cases, you can get off by JavaScript only.
- Is using Terraform for managing your AWS infrastructure a must? Or would using CLI of cloud provider will be enough for now?
User Research — As long as you are not working on your pet project which does not have a public IP you should ensure that your app is easy to use and intuitive, which requires proper user research, A/B testing, and in-app customer service are becoming the core of the product success. Certain objects are fun to build but we need to identify which ones are really important and what users want the most.
As we coil up the discussion, we pick that, it’s not a secret that as web developers it is one of our main duties is to keep up with the trends and constantly learn. If we go back 5 years, TypeScript was a sideline discussion but is now considered the industry standard for writing JavaScript. Facebook is rebranding itself as a VR Company. With all this and more, the Tech field is shaping itself into various forms creating those trends; and so does one of its components — The web.
Besides the programming languages, and frameworks are spreading their roots deeper in the market through regular updates and introducing better features. Plus, there will always be frameworks, new programming languages for top web developers to learn and work with.
We have discussed popular trends, programming languages, and frameworks for web development. However, consider individual aspects like your goals, project requirements, and learning curve before implementing them in your future projects.
Originally published at https://vocal.media.