Software Development Security Trends and Practices in 2022

Ryan Miller
15 min readJul 4, 2022


Every day, more cyber threats are being detected. Cyber attacks are constantly looking for software vulnerabilities to gain unauthorized access to the software and perform illegal actions.

This leads a lot of businesses to think about improving the security of their software to protect their business from being victims of hacking. The best way to do this is to follow the software development security trends

If you are also curious about the security of your software then, this blog got you covered with your needs. Here we are going to highlight software development security trends that you should follow in 2022.

Let’s get started.

Best Software Development Security Trends

Understand the Importance of Software Development Companies You Work With

Businesses often overlook the importance of the software development companies they work with. They prefer to choose companies that fall within their budget range. However, this is the wrong way to choose a company after all the success of your software development project completely relies on the experience of the people you work with.

Hiring freelance software developers often leads to misunderstanding, and there are very few freelance developers who follow the software development security guidelines. It should also require the cybersecurity perspective to make sure it never compromises the security of your business.

Outsourcing your project to custom software development companies in India is one of the best ways to develop highly secure software. Such companies follow the best security guidelines and keep the client’s requirement in mind.

Zero Trust and Access Control

This is one of the most important security trends in the software development and app development sector.

In general, zero trust means that every user using your software will be treat as a suspect. By doing so, IT professionals develop a system that periodically asks the users to confirm their identity. If users fail to confirm their identity they are prevented from accessing the software.

Let’s understand the concept of zero trust with an example:

If at any time, you need to get access to a special feature or try to perform something that is beyond your permission, the software will automatically redirect you to confirm your identity. Once the users make a request for identity confirmation.

By implementing zero trust in the software. The chances of reduce hacking and improve security of the software to certain extents.

Focus on One Area of Improvement at a Time

Software developers are often prone to make mistakes. The best practice to reduce the scope of error is to focus on one area of improvement at a time. Whenever your software needs an update or wants to adopt the latest security trends you should consult with your software development company to know their approach to do so.

Best Software Development Security Practices to Follow in 2022

Keep the Security on Top Priority from the Beginning

Before starting to write the code for your software, the very first thing you should think of is how you are going to integrate security in every phase of the SDLC. Have proper consultations with the software development firm about the security strategies they are going to follow to keep your software free from vulnerabilities.

Opt For Secure Software Development Framework

You should opt for the secure development framework to make it an easy deal for software developers to work in accordance with your software security guidelines. This selection will also prevent your software security threats that can occur in the future. For this purpose, you should first need to understand your requirements and later have a discussion with the developer’s team to know which top development framework can help you meet all your development requirements promptly.

Test the Code More Often

Instead of following a traditional approach. Where you hand over your requirements to the developers and they will notify you once the entire development project Complete. Ask your developers to keep you updated with daily software development progress. Review the code and find the vulnerabilities in the early stage of development to respond to them quickly before they become a serious security threat.

Use Checklist

Prepare a software development security checklist and share it with your software development agency. They should work according to your checklist to ensure all your necessary security practices follow.

Follow the Agile Development Methodology

Mitigating the security vulnerability is a good thing to do. But developers have to find the root cause of the problem to prevent errors from coming back. It is also essential to keep up with the security trends to make sure your software is protected from vulnerabilities that could occur in the future.

Final Take

Maintaining the security of the software is one of the most challenging things to do. Any exploitation in security could lead to the ruin of your business image. The above-mentioned security trend and practices will help you develop highly secure software. The best way to mitigate the security risks is to work with a reliable company. Therefore explore your references for top custom software development companies and pick the one that follows the best security practices.

If you need to replace your car key, there are several different options available to you. There are parts that you can purchase from aftermarket sources to create a new key. You can also use a professional service to re-program your transponder key, but this will not ensure the functionality of your car’s key. If you want to save some money, you can even purchase a new key from a locksmith.

Cost of car key replacement

The cost of car key replacement can vary considerably. It depends on the type of key, whether you have a working or broken one, and other factors. It can cost more to duplicate a key than to cut a new one. If you’re having trouble finding your car key, it’s worth researching the costs of different types of keys before you start the process. Here are a few factors to consider when comparing costs.

A car key replacement can be expensive if you’ve recently invested in a new car with an advanced technology system. A keyless entry system uses wireless technology to open the vehicle, and can cost up to $500 if you’ve lost yours. These newer systems may be less expensive than their older counterparts, but they’re also more complicated to replace. In such cases, it’s best to replace the key instead of a car key.

Types of keys

There are various types of car keys, each with its own benefits and drawbacks. Listed below are some of the most popular types of keys. Read on to learn more. A mechanically cut key is one of the oldest types of car keys. A mechanically cut key features ridges cut into the blade that correspond to the pin settings of a specific car lock. A mechanically cut key won’t work unless it fits exactly. Mechanically cut keys can be copied, but there are several problems associated with them. They can break or become lodged in the ignition, they can get misplaced, or they may get locked inside the car.

Another type of key is a transponder key. These keys are similar to regular mechanical keys except that they contain a tiny electronic chip inside the key head. A transponder key works by sending a signal to the auto’s computer, allowing you to start the car without placing the key in the ignition. This type of key is more expensive than a mechanical key, but it is harder to duplicate.

Cost of reprogramming a transponder key

You may need to reprogramme a transponder car key if you lose it. While it may not cost much, you must be willing to spend more time on this process than if you lost the original. To reprogramme your key, you must first insert it into the ignition.

To make sure that the new key is programmed correctly, turn on the ignition and wait ten minutes or so before removing it.

The cost of reprogramming a transponder car key depends on the make and model of your car, the time it takes to program it, and where you choose to get the work done.

You can either pay someone to program your key or visit a dealership or a specialized automotive locksmith. Typically, dealerships charge more than automotive locksmiths, but you can find step-by-step instructions online for as low as $50.

Getting a new key from a locksmith

If you’ve lost or broken your car keys, a professional locksmith can replace them for you. The locksmith will need information about your vehicle, including the VIN number. This is located on the driver’s door or dashboard. It’s helpful to have this information handy in case the locksmith needs to check your car’s history. Depending on the year of manufacture, different cars require different types of car keys.

Your car’s identification number can be located on the dashboard, engine bay, and title. Insurance paperwork can also give you the VIN. For more advanced vehicles, the locksmith can program your new key digitally. If you don’t have this information, the locksmith can only program your key if it matches the original one. In some cases, the locksmith may also need to reprogram your car’s computer to make the new key work.

Over the years, imagery and videos have exceeded their merits. Thanks to the advent of contemporary digital technology that is revolutionizing our lives for the better. It’s true because we’re harnessing Animation videos innovative ways to complete our tasks efficiently. Also, computer engineers are making ultramodern machines and means to help us quicken our lives and work routines.

As far as video animations are concerned, they’ve become more expressive and magical. Excitedly, now everyone can add eye-catching elements, extras, and spellbinding special effects to their animations. The websites, in particular, are increasing the high-spiritedness of visuals upfront via animated videos.

Undeniably, animations and videos that include them are the best customer magnets you can add to your website. But what makes them so special with exception to all its quirky, imaginative, and inspiring. Why do businesses use animation to deliver their message to their global customers? What makes motion graphic design services USA-based among the most magnificent ones? Well, several reasons make video animations ideal for websites. Some of them are as follows:

First and foremost, animation helps you take the lead ahead of your competitors. Since digital marketing is on the rise, and every business is moving on the internet. Venturing in unprecedented ways and choosing a different path with adventures has become vital. Animations, for instance, are perfect add-ons to help you set yourself apart from your rivals.

Another thing that makes animations the best is their strong conveyance power. Hence, you can easily send your brand message to your target audience more convincingly. Another thing to note is that we live in modern times where people generally try to observe eccentricity. It means that they wish for websites and features that are remarkable rare — and exclusive.

2. Boosts User Engagement and Sales

Animations do not just engage your customers; they also inspire them. So much so that they feel tempted to buy products and services you are offering. Hence, your brand sales hit an all-time high as you jack up your profits skyward. Statistics reveal that including an animated video on your landing page can increase your conversion rate by a whopping 83%. How cool is that, right!

Furthermore, animations and other special effects make people freeze and stay in their spaces. They just cannot let go of a breathtaking motion graphics wonder in the form of video. Whether you’re trying to sell a jacket, silverware, DIY arts & crafts, books, marketing solutions, and whatnot, animations got them covered. Also, animations keep users spending long quality time on your website. So, what more can you ask for?

3. They add Interactive Expressiveness

Nowadays, consumers engage with online video content daily. They want to see new things happening around the world, new trends, upcoming novel technology news, NY Times bestsellers, and Disney Animation cartoon series. For sure, the last bit of information we just pronounced got you by surprise. After all, people love to see some lighthearted and comical humor after a hectic day at work.

Furthermore, animations add heart and soul to your content. It is the primary reason people love a business that develops heartening brand personas. The motion graphics effect makes them even more likable and credible, which is a reason for high sales and seller-buyer reliability.

4. SEO Optimization and SERP Rankings

Just like people, Google also loves animated video content. After all, they crawl and index websites that are the more expressively engaging and human. Thus, including animated videos on your website is an excellent way to improve your SEO as well as SERP rankings. You see a dramatic rise in our website’s organic traffic, increased web visibility, improved brand authority, boosted sales, and so on.

Besides, since animations give site visitors an optimistic break time, they enjoy spending time on it. Next, Google’s algorithm notices your website and starts analyzing it for SEO/SERP soundness or not. Later, they find that your website is doing great with sales and keeping customers happy. They also observe that people never miss a chance to spend good long hours on your platform.

5. Make Clients Happy

Gone are the days when a PowerPoint was considered a corporate best feast and feat for the eyes. Nowadays, animations are alive, breathing, and kicking joyful life. Not only can you impress your customers but also make them your loyal clients.

Moreover, ensure you use eye-catching elements, inspiring visuals, and thought-provoking hints/symbols to draw more people. Try using animations in such a way that it creates ripples of curiosity, conversation, keenness, and thirst to know more.

6. Provides a better understanding of the Product/Service

If potential customers cannot grasp what you are selling them, they won’t want to buy it. Besides, there are hundreds and thousands of businesses and brands that run scams. You may ask: What does this have to do with animations. Well, it has a lot to do with them. First of all, a fake business owner and counterfeit websites will never use animation videos. The reason is that they’re too expensive for their budgets — and pockets to handle. Motion graphics offer people a conscious mind and conviction about your products and services online.

7. Save Time, Effort, and Cash

Unlike long video recordings, live-action videos, and discussion/debate room videos, animations do not age well. You can reform them frequently because they are flexible. On the contrary, technologies and fashions evolve rapidly with time. In live-action videos, this stuff from a couple of years ago looks ridiculously outdated. As a result, choosing an animation will save you money so that it can last many years.

Moreover, compared to real-life videos where humans act, animations are timeless. It means they don’t look old or outmoded with the passing of time — and human age. The best part, as we said, is their adaptable nature. It means you can edit and update them with new changes. Astonishingly, you can also humanize them by cultivating real-life scenarios, characters, problems, products, situations, etc.


Animations certainly give you the upper hand in a variety of ways. Observe the captions above and admire it almost skyrockets your brand to the next level. Also, it enables your brand to become worthy in customers’ eyes. Besides making you famous on the web and adding integrity to your business, they give your brand its identity. Last but not least, it stirs imaginations and evokes positive emotions.

Nowadays, BPO is becoming evident in every major business and potential startup. It’s like sharing your meal with the ones around you. It is a subcontract for corporate fellowship and shares in projects — and profits. The subordinate company then delegates your business. It also hires professionals to ensure you receive your projects on time.

Furthermore, business process outsourcing consists of two major types: front-end and back-end. The Sales team, marketing team, and customer services work upfront. HR, Accounts, IT personnel, and other administrative work occur at the back.

  • Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) saves you a good amount of cash.
  • It cuts expenditure costs and allows you to hire inexpensive labor from abroad.
  • BPO allows companies more freedom in terms of flexibility, budget, and operation.
  • BPO provides ample time for business owners to concentrate internally on their business.
  • Business people can focus on signs of progress and work innovatively.

Disadvantages and disadvantages of BPO

  • Sometimes, pursuing the right BPO companies costs you good money.
  • Unable to find eligible vendors and maintain good relationships with them.
  • You might get affected by substandard BPO services. Thus, hurting your reputation with critical outcomes and looming consequences.
  • You become dependent on BPO agencies and lose understanding and control of your business.

Here is the 6-step process formula to achieve outsourcing success:

1. Plan and Formulate

It’s critical to begin by conducting fully systematic research before you start tapping in for BPO services. Everything should make sense if you wish to hire a local company or go with the international BPO incentives. Ensure the person or company you are about to hire understands your business. Acknowledge your mission statement and is keen to deliver outstanding results.

Furthermore, you can initiate the hiring process by meeting a few companies and candidates. Create a strategy for employing the most legit source. Ensure you, along with the management team, visit their place or they yours. Ask them about past projects, accomplishments, track records, clientele players, and upcoming ventures. Don’t forget to include a backup plan for your business if things go wrong. Also, inform people who might be impacted by your relocation — your workers, shareholders, and clients. Have a contingency plan for your business and every move you take in due course.

2. Cost Reductions

Business Process Outsourcing services essentially started to cut the expenditure costs of businesses. Not only that, but it also helped in keeping the office floors lenient for people to roam. Much of the work was sent to freelancers who managed their tasks from home or another remote location. Thus, it enables tangible and eCommerce brands to make the most of their proceedings and profits.

Furthermore, with rapid global growth and hands-on access to emerging business technologies, companies thrive with BPO at exceptionally low prices. Besides, Contractors in markets with lower employment costs and greater GST (General Sales Tax) circumstances can offer better prices simply since they have lower costs. Also, the level of rivalry of becoming one of many vendors for a raw material or service hit hard. As a matter of fact, with BPO, you obtain a fairly large market that is doing anything possible to maintain prices.

3. Sign your Contract with a genuine Outsourcing Company

After finalizing what you get and do not get, it’s time to find the best corporate work systems and marketplace funnels. Unquestionably, online business process outsourcing services are the best out there. Remember, it is easier to talk than actually doing it practically. Hiring a BPO company is a thought-provoking serious business. You must think twice about hiring the right people for the job. Watch out for fake professionals and counterfeit websites that promise exceptional BPO solutions without knowing its ABCs.

Since BPO solutions are rising, your money isn’t for everyone — and every hand. Please be careful when dropping your investment in exchange for “exceptional” project completions. Remember, many so-called companies and nit-witted amateurs will try to tempt you with cheap outsourcing amenities. Run away immediately without turning your back.

Talk in your circle if someone knows a good BPO service company. Contact family and friends to talk about it around. Investigate yourself and meet business firms and proprietors in person. Examine the company’s track record, case studies, client testimonials, infrastructure, cost structure, and strategic planning. Remember that a supplier who understands and meets your business requirements will be most beneficial to you.

4. Supervise and Reform

After shaking hands and signing on the business bond paper, it’s time to nominate the brand ambassadors. Meanwhile, the BPO Company working under your business’s radar will begin outsourcing and employing deserving candidates. So, keep things in catch and don’t scurry off the desk snarling on projects and profits. Things take, and eventually, everything sorts about right when done with diligence and dedication.

Remember, patience is the key during this period, as it will still take some time before you can officially launch the new corporate reformation setup. Another factor that makes you stay in the box is your new office staff and other business personnel. They have to undergo training to help them familiarize themselves with your business plan, marketing schedule, brand agenda, and objectives.

5. Increase Visibility Globally

Upfront and sideway functions of your business reach new heights if you handle the BPO folks and functions ardently. Remember that business process outsourcing is your chance to attract visitors and gain visibility internationally. Besides, BPO customer support call centers work 24/7 to engage with your local and overseas clients. Since the world and work run with different scenarios, people, and time zones, having a round-the-clock team is vital.

6. Gauge the Performance

Ensure to receive and check customers’ concerns and requests regularly. Also, see their feedback as an opportunity in the right direction. Likewise, measure the performance of in-house professionals and those working remotely. Keep good check and balance and leave no stone unturned. You must show your 24/7 proactive presence to managers, TLs, and employees. Do not forget to award deserving candidates perks like salary increment, monthly bonuses, work leniency, paid leave, commission on sales, etc.

Five examples of companies that outsource services:

  • Apple
  • United Airlines
  • Tesla
  • Coca-Cola
  • Spikeball


Business Process Outsourcing is essential to generate good returns for your long-standing business plan. Not only does it connect you with customers, professional workers, and other brands, but it also synchronizes the entire workstation. BPO also augments the work speed of employees and aids them in their tasks. Thus, you get both performance and productivity simultaneously. Outsourcing indeed is the best way to keep your business gracefully intact.

Originally published at on July 4, 2022.



Ryan Miller
Ryan Miller

Written by Ryan Miller

Business Development Manager

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